Friday, March 5, 2010

Macfusion error with sshfs in Snow Leopard

When mounting a drive with MacFusion, you’ll get the error that the remote host has disconnected. When you look at the log file, you notice that the error is actually in a shared lib: dyld: could not load inserted library: /Applications/ sshfs.mfplugin/Contents/Resources/

To fix this, simply execute the following in your terminal:

mv /Applications/ /Applications/

This will prevent MacFusion from loading the offending shared lib. Everything works again :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Force Safari to open all links in new tab

Firefox users have been able to open all links clicked within Firefox in a new tab for a while now, but what about us poor Safari users? Well, sure, you could always hold down command while clicking a link, but that's not fun, now is it? With this simple Terminal hack, you will be surfing like a pro!

Just open Terminal (/Applications/Utilities/) and type in the following command:

defaults write TargetedClicksCreateTabs -bool true

Once you restart Safari, all clicked links will open in a new tab. If you want to reverse the command for some reason, just replace "true" with "false."